Getting Started

All you need to get started is a gateway device supported by the Linux microPlatform, a computer, and an Internet connection.

Get Hardware

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A computer to develop on. This can be running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.
  • A gateway device supported by the Linux microPlatform. We currently support the 96Boards HiKey, and assume you have a 96Boards UART Serial Adapter for console access.

Get Installation Dependencies

To install the Linux microPlatform on your device, you’ll need Python 2, pySerial, drivers for FTDI serial port devices, and Android’s fastboot tool.


Mac OS X


On Debian-based Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt-get install python-serial fastboot

Optionally, install Ansible, to make it easier to deploy containers on your device:

sudo apt-get install ansible

On other Linux distributions:

  • Python 2 may be installed by default, and should be available in your package manager if not. You can also install Python from source.
  • pySerial is also likely available via your package manager or pip.
  • Most distribution kernels provide FTDI USB serial port device support.
  • Install fastboot using your package manager or the latest Android SDK Platform Tools for Linux.
  • You may optionally install Ansible using instructions on its Installation page.

Get prebuilt images

Fetch the following files from the latest build for 96Boards HiKey:

Uncompress the rpb-ltd-gateway-image-hikey-YYYY.rootfs.img.gz file, obtaining rpb-ltd-gateway-image-hikey-YYYY.rootfs.img.

(If you can’t use a HiKey, you can try the same files from builds for other boards, but these may not be functional.)

Set Your Board Up For Flashing

If you’re using a 96Boards HiKey, do this by putting it into “Recovery Mode” as follows:

  1. Remove power from the HiKey.

  2. Remove both jumpers from the 2x3 header at the top left of the board (J601 on LeMaker HiKeys).

    The board should now look like this:

    HiKey with no jumpers on J601
  3. Use the jumpers to connect pins 1 and 2, as well as pins 3 and 4, on the 2x3 header.

    The board should now look like this:

    HiKey with jumpers on J601 set up for Recovery Mode
  4. Connect the HiKey to your PC via USB.

  5. Power on the HiKey.

See HiKey board recovery documentation for more information on Recovery Mode.

If you’re using a different 96Boards CE board, check its documentation for instructions on how to reflash the bootloader, install fastboot support, and flash images via fastboot.

If you’re not using a 96Boards board, refer to your vendor’s documentation for similar instructions, or contact your vendor directly.

Flash Images To Your Board

These instructions assume you’re using HiKey.


First, make sure that the directories containing the python.exe and fastboot.exe executables are on your PATH environment variable.

Now run the following, replacing XXXX and YYYY appropriately for the files you downloaded previously:

python.exe --img1=l-loader.bin
timeout 3 > NUL
fastboot.exe flash fastboot fip.bin
fastboot.exe flash nvme nvme.img
fastboot.exe flash boot boot-XXXX.uefi.img
fastboot.exe flash system rpb-ltd-gateway-image-hikey-YYYY.rootfs.img

Mac OS X and Linux


On Linux, the script searches for a serial port device provided by your HiKey in /dev/serial/by-id. Some HiKey boards have non-Roman characters in their serial devices’ names, which confuse the script and cause it to fail.

If this happens, passing the script -d /dev/ttyUSBx, where /dev/ttyUSBx is the absolute path pointed to by the symlink in /dev/serial/by-id, should resolve the issue.

Run the following, replacing XXXX and YYYY appropriately for the files you downloaded previously:

python2 --img1=l-loader.bin
sleep 2
fastboot flash fastboot fip.bin
fastboot flash nvme nvme.img
fastboot flash boot boot-XXXX.uefi.img
fastboot flash system rpb-ltd-gateway-image-hikey-YYYY.rootfs.img

Boot the Board

Now that you’ve flashed the board, it’s time to boot it. If you’re using a HiKey, follow these instructions.

  1. Remove the jumper connecting pins 3 and 4 from the 2x3 header you used when putting the board in Recovery Mode.
  2. Install the 96Boards UART Serial Adapter board on the board. Make sure the USB connector faces outward from the board, or you will damage or break both HiKey and the UART Serial Adapter.
  3. Connect the UART Serial Adapter to your host PC via USB.
  4. Apply power to the HiKey via the barrel jack connector.

Your board should look like this:

HiKey when booting

At the serial console, the following login prompt should appear after the board finishes booting:

Reference-Platform-Build-X11 2.0+linaro hikey ttyAMA3

hikey login:

Enter osf for the username, and osf for the password. You will be dropped into a normal user shell, and should now change the password. The osf user may use sudo to obtain root access on the device.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed the Linux microPlatform onto your device, and booted into its console.


At this point your device is ready to run Docker containers. If you would like to configure the device as a Basic IoT Gateway, follow the instructions at Getting Started.

You’re now ready to take your next steps. This will take the form of deploying containerized applications to your device.

One of the greatest advantages of using Cerberus is that it makes it easier to deploy and manage container-based applications. What’s more, unlike other container-based embedded device platforms, Cerberus allows you to deploy multiple applications to the same gateway, each running at the same time in its own container. This is called multitenancy.

Check out the Linaro Technologies Division Gateway Containers repository for example Docker containers, along with instructions for how to get them running on your board. Start with the top-level gateway-containers, and move on to the subdirectories for containers which interest you.

If you installed Ansible earlier, you can also use Ansible playbooks to deploy the containers; these are available in the gateway-ansible repository. (While Ansible isn’t supported on Windows, you can run Ubuntu in a Docker container and run Ansible from Ubuntu.)